Wednesday 4 November 2015


In year 2 we are learning about Remembrance Day and what the poppy means. We are sharing what we have learned with parents at an assembly on the 11th November at 9am. 
Here are some photographs of the art work we did this afternoon. 

Thursday 24 September 2015


Today we used chalk to create landscapes from 'The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch'.

Wednesday 23 September 2015


On Friday we went to the beach to find different materials. When we came back to school we sorted the materials into groups. We found





...and fabric objects.

The children drew pictures of the items and wrote underneath what they thought the object was made of.

After that we sorted the objects into man-made and natural groups.

Pesky seagulls!

Today we were thinking about those pesky seagulls in the story and how they eat Mr Grinling's food. We talked about how in the story the seagulls didn't like mustard, and thought we would do an experiment. We started by talking about the foods we really don't like, and then tasted some unusual "disgusting" foods to see what we thought about them. We tasted mustard, horseradish sauce, mint sauce, tartare sauce and marmite.

We made a tally of our favourite "disgusting" food.

In the afternoon we decided to do an experiment. We made sandwiches with all of those fillings and put them outside on the playground to see which flavour the birds preferred.

Some pigeons came to investigate the sandwiches but only tried the mint sauce ones!